Info on DMA Option A
Info on DMA Option A
Information on Device Management Application (DMA)
What is the purpose of a DMA?
Device Management Application (DMA), is a software solution to allow schools to provide a safer digital environment for learning. With DMA installed on the Personal Learning Device (PLD), schools can:
- Set the level of web content filtering , including filtering out objectionable content or content that may not be conducive to teaching and learning (e.g. social media, pornography, gambling, or websites containing extremist content)
- Set PLD usage timing, limiting usage from 0700hrs to 2300hrs daily
- Individual school can determine the apps and software to be installed to support teaching and learning needs.
What flexibilities do I get in Option A?
With Default option, students will login to their PLD using Student ICON Account, this account can be access during school hours from 7am to 11pm and is configured with school approved applications only. The web content filtering is also activated when students are using this account. To provide a more focus and conducive learning experience, Default options will only allow students to login using this account.
For Option A, two additional accounts have been created on the PLD to facilitate the following flexibilities:
Student After-School Hours Account
After School Hours, from 3pm and up till 11pm, your child/ward may login to their PLD using the Student After-School Hours Account. School will not have control over this account. This account allow students to run and install applications on their PLD. Do note that some application and features may still need an administrator rights to run or install, in these cases, you will have to grant access using the Parent Admin Account provided.
Parent Admin Account
The Parent Admin Account is meant for parents/guardian only. This account will allow you to gain full control over the PLD and you can install applications of choice and customize your child’s/ward’s device, while retaining the web filtering function to protect your child/ward from unsafe contents. You are advised not to:
- Share the Parent Admin Account password with your child/ward,
- Remove applications that have been installed by the school (e.g Chrome and Blocksi), and
- De-enroll the PLD from Intune for Education.
In addition to these two accounts that is created in your child’s/ward’s device, there is an online account for monitoring online activities.
Blocksi DMA Parent Portal Account
This online account allows you to view your child’s/ward’s online activities when they are using their PLD. You will receive an invitation email from Blocksi to setup Blocksi DMA Parent Portal Account. (Do check your spam/junk folder if you do not see it in your Inbox.)
How do I start using Option A for the DMA?
To start using the option A, you will need to do some setup. We have send via Parents Gateway or email with the necessary information and a PDF guide. Please note that the PDF guide is meant for Parents/Guardians, therefore we do not have a link to the document publicly. This guide contains instructions on:
- How your child/ward can setup Student After-School Hours Account on their PLD. (Unit 1-2 and Unit 1-3)
- How parents can to login to their child’s/ward’s PLD using Parent Admin Account and gain full control of the PLD. (Unit 1-4)
- How to register and access the Blocksi DMA Parent Portal to view your child’s/ward’s online activities when they are using their PLD. (Unit 2-1)
- How to get onboard and setup Blocksi DMA Parent Portal. (Unit 2-1)
After you have setup the individual accounts, you will be able to access the full flexibilities of DMA option A.
For additional queries regarding DMA, please email Mr Chua Zhen An (ICT Associate): [email protected]
If your child/ward requires help with the usage of PLD, please visit our Student’s Portal. This portal includes updated information and solutions on commonly faced technical issues and procedure for reporting them if a solution cannot be found on Student Portal.
Thank you for working with us on the journey to a safer digital learning environment.
Updated on 29 Dec 2022