Wushu (Boys & Girls)

Wushu (Boys & Girls)
Mr Chia Wen Mien, Adrian - OIC
Mdm Nur Haryani Bte Mohamed Hatta
More Information about the CCA
As a performance sport, Wushu has always put up groups performances during celebratory events whether in school or for other organisations. Wushu CCA is glad to have welcomed many passionate Secondary One students this year, and alongside with the more experienced members, are raring to represent the school in competitions and public performances.
They have represented the school to participate in the following events and activities:
1. Chinese New Year Concert performance
2. Chinese New Year Carnival 2023
3. National School Games (NSG) Wushu Competition 2023
4. Speech and Prize Giving Day performance
5. Singapore National Wushu Championship 2023
National School Games ‘B’ Division Girls Tajiquan – 4th Lim Kang Yee Carine