Table Tennis (Boys & Girls)

Table Tennis (Boys & Girls
Mdm Cynthia Chang Yee Ping – OIC
Miss Brigit Ong Soh Cheng
More information on the CCA
Table Tennis has evolved from a recreational activity into a competitive sport, and our club has seen a significant increase in its membership, which is truly encouraging. We're delighted to observe the dedication of our members to their weekly training sessions.
We're actively working on creating more training opportunities for all our members to help them improve their skills. It's gratifying to observe a heightened level of commitment, particularly among our Secondary One students.
In the 2023 National School Games, we took a bold step by entering two teams, the B and C Division Boys. Notably, the secondary One boys of the C division only undergone a few training sessions. The team made us proud by winning our first match against Pierce Secondary School since our participation in the National School Games in 2021. The B division boys also performed admirably, displaying resilience and excellence as they competed against formidable opponents in the zone. This competition not only enhanced our skills but also strengthened our character. We are eagerly anticipating the next games in 2024.
In March, we organized a day of bonding activities, where members enjoyed games, movies, and delicious food. The camaraderie that was nurtured on that day is evident in our training sessions, where members train and have fun together.
Participated in National School Games for B Division Boys
Participated in National School Games for C Division Boys